NCERT Exemplar Class 7

CBSE Board Exam: Benefits of using NCERT books and exemplar problems



When it comes to exam preparation and scoring good marks, students frequently waste their time in selecting the correct study material among the numerous materials available in the market. NCERT Exemplar is a practice book, which contains extra questions with the aim of aiding in-depth learning among students. They are recommended for competitive exams like JEE Main and JEE Advanced. These books contain conceptual sums, which can be solved by students having better knowledge about the topics covered under each chapter.

Exemplar books provide exposure to various multiple choice questions, skill developing questions and new concepts which may appear in the exams. It provides both teachers and students with problems of higher aptitude and helps them understand the applications of concepts, which are learnt on a daily basis. NCERT board develops and distributes textbooks to students from primary to secondary level. These books are useful for CBSE students as it covers the entire syllabus which is vital for the exam.

Benefits of NCERT Exemplar

Students usually get stressed during their exam preparation. It is very important for students to select the correct reference guide to pass the exam with flying colors.NCERT Exemplar Class 7 also contains problems, which help in improving conceptual knowledge among students. These exemplar problems not only help students clear the JEE exam but also the various competitive exams across the country. It may be considered as a Bible for the students who are preparing to achieve their dream career.

The key reasons why NCERT Exemplars are useful are discussed below:

  1. Accurate Information

NCERT Exemplar books are mainly designed by experts after conducting a wide research on each concept. The information provided improves knowledge among students in solving problems in a more effective way.

  1. Clear with the basic concepts

The books cover fundamental and basic concepts of higher aptitude level to help students perform well in the exam. The primary objective is to prepare students with a better hold of concepts covered in the chapter.

  1. Well designed questions

NCERT textbooks contain lesser questions when compared to other study materials. The questions which are explained here cover the entire syllabus required from the exam perspective.

  1. Simple language

The questions are solved by experts in simple language based on the understanding abilities of students. It is very important to provide knowledge to the students who are required to score well in the exams.

  1. Provides numerous problems to practice

Practicing a huge number of problems improves conceptual knowledge and method of answering them in a shorter duration. NCERT exemplar mainly contain questions from MCQs to concept based problems thus, supporting students to obtain a better academic score.

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