10 Easy Ways to Self-Introduce Yourself

10 Easy Ways to Self-Introduce Yourself



In a job interview, the first thing interviewers ask you to do is to introduce yourself. Think about a time when you attended a party and had to introduce yourself to the stranger. How do you start a conversation by saying “Hi, I’m XYZ!”?

Whether it’s a professional setting or casual, your self-introduction decides how the conversation will flow. You may have experienced this before. When you share a certain experience or skill that interests the listener, they tend to ask more questions about it.

Well, you certainly don’t want to say just about anything to impress the listener. And you don’t have to.

Easy ways to introduce yourself

1.Keep your introduction relevant

You may love baking. But unless you’re a chef or taking part in a culinary competition mentioning it will seem random. You can mention it as your hobby when asked.

2. Don’t just stick to your job title

So, how have you been introducing yourself till now? “Hi, I’m Kiran, and I’m a copywriter.” Well, what do you do as a copywriter? That’s the question that follows in the listener’s mind. But hardly anyone’s going to ask straight up. So, explain what your job is all about. Make it a part of your introduction.

3. Talk about your contributions at work

Well, this point sounds similar to the previous one, but it’s as important. People won’t care about your professional skills or expertise until they get benefitted. So explain your contribution to their lives. How your job role or skills help them solve their problems?

4. Prepare beforehand

This calls for working on your interpersonal skills. Need a quick tip on how to do that? Stand in front of a mirror and introduce yourself. This will help you control your nerves and give you an idea of how to start a conversation. When in doubt, step back and think about what you want people to remember you for?

5. Beware of the cultural references

Whether you are talking to one person, a group, or standing in front of a large audience, be mindful of the cultural context. Your cultural views and comments might offend someone. Although it’s good to share your opinions, you should avoid them in a professional setting or a first-time conversation.

6. Be careful with your wit

If you are thinking of breaking the tension in the room by cracking a joke, that might turn out as a bad idea. What you consider funny may not sit well with other people..

7. Control your body language

“Your body communicates as well as your mouth. Don’t contradict yourself.” As Allen Ruddock, an Irish Martial Arts pioneer, put it if you don’t stand by your words, it will show in your body language. You won’t come off as confident, which can create a negative impression. Here’s how you can show your confidence and good interpersonal skills.

  • Make eye contact with your audience while talking
  • If you’re in an interview, shake your interviewer’s hand firmly to show trust
  • Don’t fidget or roll your eyes to show your irritation
  • Speak confidently

7. Do your research

Before you go for an interview or meet a prospective client, do your research about the company or client. This helps you speak with context about the company’s culture or your client’s requirements and values.

8. Talk about your passion

“What are your hobbies?” “What are you passionate about?” You can bet the interviewer is sure to ask you these questions. Be prepared with your answer. Talk about your hobbies or passion that aligns with your job title or company’s work culture.

If your job requires you to travel frequently, your passion for traveling may come in handy. Whileyou’re outgoing and friendly nature will show the interviewer that you won’t have a problem getting along with your new team.

9. Prepare your answer

Instead of saying something wrong in a flow or staying tongue-tied for a minute, come in prepared with your answer. List out the points you want to cover in your introduction. Rehearse, so you will be ready to introduce yourself with confidence.

Practicing these easy tips will surely help you create the best first impression in a professional as well as casual setting. Want more such tips? You can find online courses on interpersonal skills to learn from industry experts.

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