Different Types Of Traffic Violations That All Drivers Must Know

Different Types of Traffic Violations That All Drivers Must Know



Driving is an important life skill to have in the modern world. It is also a means of livelihood for a significant part of the population. It is common knowledge that having a driver’s license issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or an equivalent authority is mandatory for operating a motorized vehicle on the road. However, most of us are unaware of the other legal aspects of driving on public roads. Here we are discussing the different types of traffic violations that can attract penal actions from authorities. Anyone who operates a vehicle or is thinking of getting a license for the same must know about these offenses. This will help them to drive in a safe manner and avoid legal trouble.

Traffic offenses can be broadly divided into infractions and violations. Infractions are minor offenses that cannot be classified as crimes. Illegal parking or a broken taillight is a couple of examples of non-serious offenses. Most of the time traffic violation lawyers are hired to counter such kind s of issues. Violations are serious and can be classified as a misdemeanor or felony depending on their nature. Driving under influence (DUI) with a minor in the vehicle is an example of a serious violation.

Mostly, traffic violations are categorized as moving and non-moving violations and in this article, we will discuss each of them in some detail.

Non-moving Violations

As the name suggests, a non-moving violation occurs when the vehicle is stationary. In case, you park your car in a place reserved for disabled people, then it is a non-moving violation. Any modifications made to the vehicle that are not in accordance with state or federal laws will also fall under this category. Let’s say your car windows have a tint that is way above the permissible limit. Then you are committing a non-moving violation. Such offenses are usually not very serious and are treated as infractions.

Moving Violations

Offenses that occur when the vehicle in question is in motion are termed as moving violations. These are generally serious in nature. Let’s take a look at some major non-moving violations and how they can affect you.

1. Speeding

This is the most common non-moving violation. Most states specify speed limits depending on the setting. This is the reason you will find low-speed limits in residential areas and high-speed limits on highways. However, the law can be applied depending on the circumstances. For instance, even if you are driving at the maximum permissible speed but the road conditions are dangerous, then you may be fined for speeding. This is because your actions may be dangerous for you as well as the well being of other entities near you.

2. Driving Without a Valid Driver’s License

This is another one of the most common types of traffic violations. People who possess a valid license but forget to carry it can be issued a citation, warning, or a ticket depending on the situation. They have to later prove to the authorities that they have a license. The penalty for the offense differs from one jurisdiction to another. A professional and experienced traffic violation attorney can help you overcome this condition. While a first-time offender may not receive strict punishment a habitual offender or a wilful defaulter can be tried for a misdemeanor.

3. DUI

Driving under influence (DUI) is a serious offense and attracts suspension of the license, the imposition of fines, and jail term in most states. People operating a vehicle while under a strong influence of alcohol or a banned drug have to face serious legal consequences. First-time offenders are usually given a chance to remove the restrictions on their license and the mention of the offense from their record if they fulfill certain conditions. They can be asked to attend an education program or stay away from driving for a specified period. Repeat offenders are treated strictly and in extreme cases can be jailed for a long term and barred from driving for life. In this situation it is suggested that drivers should consult Traffic violation lawyers to reduce their penalties or prison time.

4. Leaving The Scene Of An Accident

Commonly known as hit and run, leaving the scene of an accident is a serious traffic violation. If you are involved in an accident that caused damage to another vehicle or person or resulted in the death of an individual, you have a legal duty to help the injured party and report the matter to the authorities. A failure to do this can have serious repercussions. In case, your actions caused the death of another person, you can even be charged with a felony.

5. Distracted Driving

Such incidents are rising especially due to an increase in cellphone usage. Performing any activity that distracts you from the primary act of driving can be considered as a traffic violation. Distracted driving is dangerous and puts the driver as well as other people around him at risk.


These are the major types of traffic violations that can result in serious legal trouble for a person. It will be pertinent to know about speed limits and other relevant laws before taking a vehicle out on the road.

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