Every year, hundreds of new users are filing for their Aadhaar cards, due to its mandatory requirement in almost all works of life.

Aadhar card search by name and DOB.



aadhar card form in hindi

aadhar card form download in hindi

Every year, hundreds of new users are filing for their Aadhaar cards, due to its mandatory requirement in almost all works of life. For example, you require Aadhaar card to get a new phone, electric and LPG connection. Due to this, it is quite difficult to find your Aadhaar card. Since Hindi is the national language of India, then the government of India has made the  Aadhaar card form in Hindi, to make it very easy for native Hindi speakers, to download and fill the form in Hindi. So, now, if you wish to download the form, or make changes in the form, then check these below steps.

1) Online process

To do aadhar card form download in hindi, or for making changes, these steps are essential. First, users need to stroll to the website https://ssup.uidai.gov.in/web/guest/ssup-home. To do this, users need to enter their cell no and Aadhaar number and email id details. Once you do this, an OTP will appear on your cell no and then an Aadhaar form will come. Enter the information in the form, in Hindi and then press submit button option. As soon as you press submit button option, then there will appear an option for selecting a language. Choose Hindi and press Submit Option again. Now, a new window will appear in which there will be an option for you to check the data. If changes are required, then press the Modify button, where you can make changes to the data. If all the data is correct, then press the Icon to confirm button, where the data will get permanently saved. Once all these steps are completed, you must upload scanned copies of all the required documents like name, age, address etc. These must be self-attested. Next, you must upload your signature or thumb impression in the Aadhaar form. Afterwards, a new Unique code will be generated, which is called Update Request Number. This number will asssist you greatly in  tracking the status of your application. After some days, the Aadhar card will be mailed to your address.


So, now you must be fully aware as to how easy it is to acquire your Aadhaar card online. It takes a maximum of two weeks, for the card to be delivered in your hand. As you must be aware, that you are severely handicapped without the presence of your Aadhaar card


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